Enter stage left: Milo and the Gang Last summer, I made this little creature and I named him Milo. Milo had to have a younger sister and I named her Lora(pronounced like the name “laura”). Milo and Lora had to have some friends to play with and so I created: Harold, Suze, Joey and Keli. Milo and Lora have a new home but the rest are waiting to be adopted Enter stage right: Owl Have you ever gone through a stage, or maybe more than one, where you, or a group of friends, become completely obsessed about one thing? I remember in middle school everyone seemed to be obsessed with monkeys. It was weird. Recently, I’ve been going on etsy and searching for “owls”. Any result is fine but the ones I seem more attracted to are the retro looking owls. I got creative one day and completely out of the blue i sketched out a little owl creature in my drawing pad and then took up one whole page and created a pattern. Every part of this little ow...