I've been able to work on my backlog of projects recently! I'm almost caught up! Here's what I've finished in the past couple months that I have pictures of: The Walking Dead blanket Used 3 different prints of TWD fleece available at JoAnn fabrics. Each panel is tied together and then the back(solid red) is tied to the front. Blanket measures 2.5 yards. The middle panel is 1 yard and then the top and bottom panel are each .75 yards. Lots of cutting and tying! (My family are really big TWD fans! Made this for my dad) Disney center piece and pot holders These were a birthday gift to one of my Disney friends. The smaller pot holders are made with 2 layers of just regular quilt batting while the center piece uses one. All three items are quilted both ways diagonally and then finished with double fold bias tape. "Meghan" embroidery hoop Met up with some extended family for pancakes this past Saturday and celebrated my younger cousi...