When was the last time you cleaned your sewing machine?? If you can't remember when you cleaned it or sent it out for a cleaning, it's probably time for a cleaning Now, I am not afraid to open up my machines and clean them. If I'm going to pay a good amount of money on a machine, I want to be able to open it up, see inside it, and fix it and clean it myself. My serger was last cleaned and checked about 6 years ago in 2010 and the fact that I use it with every project I'm really surprised it hasn't crapped out yet.( actually, it's in really great shape despite it being over 10 years old- light bulb hasn't blown, I clean what I can, I change the needle, etc) If your serger( or sewing machine) looks like this: or this: or this: or worse, it's probably time you clean it. go out and buy some mini vacuum attachments and start getting to work! It will take you less than 5 minutes to get rid of all that dust and loose threads that are clo...